Ennen Sammon syntyä / Before Sampo was born 三宝熔铸成功之前 ink on rice paper, 60x80cm 纸本水墨, 2022 万奈摩宁怂恿伊尔玛利宁向波赫亚的姑娘求婚,因为他能打造三宝神磨。伊尔玛利宁答应了。在三宝熔铸成功之前,伊尔玛利宁察看到熔炉的烈火中先后升起了金弓、船、小母牛和犁。我联想到这些幻像犹如伊尔玛利宁戴着VR眼镜看到的虚拟现实。 Väinämöinen encouraged Ilmarinen to propose to Pohja girl because he could make the Sampo God mill. Ilmarinen agreed. Before the successful forging of the Sampo, Ilmarinen saw a golden bow, a boat, a heifer, and a plow rising