Welcome to my solo exhibition at Galleria Kookos studio 03.11. – 21.11. 2021
The Forest of Kalevala – Kalevalan Metsä – 卡勒瓦拉的森林
Kalevalan Metsä -sarjanäyttelyn maalaustaiteeni perustuu perinteiseen kiinalaiseen kalligrafiaan ja yhdistää kuvan ja runon.
Kalligrafiamerkit järjestellään uudelleen, jolloin vanhoista säkeistä rakentuu uusi runo. Maalaukseni kuvaavat ylikansallisten identiteettien muodostumista ihmisen ja luonnon yhteyteen ja ajattomuuden teemaan.
Kalevalaisessa maailmassa runo tulee luonnosta ja huolehtii luonnon rytmistä. Pieni ja fantasiamainen kuvaus on sijoitettu suureen maisemaan, jossa on ikivanha ja salaperäinen tunnelma. Luonto on salaperäinen inspiraation lähde, jossa ihminen pienenä yksilönä on vahvasti vuorovaikutuksessa suuren maailmankaikkeuden kanssa.
Teoksessani “Kalevalan” säkeet tulevat herra Sun Yongin kääntämästä versiosta.
My paintings in the series exhibition The Forest of Kalevala – Kalevan Metsä are based on traditional Chinese calligraphy and combine image and poem. The text of the epic in the painting is deconstructed, and the viewer can reconstruct the new poem from the old one.
“Kalevala” is the national epic of Finland and one of the most precious world cultural heritage. The Finnish people love music and singing. Poems of various eras have been passed down from generation to generation among the people for more than two thousand years. We can hear ancient creation myths and legends from poetry, outline the entire society and all its customs, and see their joys and sorrows and their struggle against dark forces. The people of “Kalevala” love nature and praise nature. They interweave imagination and reality, expressing that all natural phenomena have life, have the ability to feel and speak. The writer Elias Lönnrot collected a large number of scattered folk songs, and then compiled them into a whole epic, which was first published in 1835. The publication of “Kalevala” has inspired the self-confidence of the Finnish nation and the recognition of the Finnish nation with its own language and culture, and inspired the Finnish people to have enough courage and strength in the struggle for an independent and free motherland.”Kalevala” is considered to be one of the four major national epics in the world, and is as important as “Iliad”, “Nibelungenlied” and “Song of Roland”. Except for the epic of India, there is no other epic to compare with in describing the natural scenery.
The story of “Kalevala” revolves around the connection between man and nature. Poems come from nature and accompany with the rhythm of nature. In my work, I set the small but fantastic description in an ancient and mysterious landscape. Nature is a mysterious source of inspiration. As a small individual, human beings interact strongly with the great universe. With this eternal theme, I describe the formation of transnational identity. I have been living in Finland nearly 20 years. The collision and intersection of the two cultures allows me to think about the interpretation of “the unity of man and nature” from different angles. The philosophical thinking of “the unity of man and nature” has different explanations of Zen, Tao, and Buddhism. It mostly refers to the realm where man and Tao are united and “sky and earth live side by side with me, and everything is one with me”, and also refers to the unity of nature and man. The view of “Nature and Man are one” has tortuously influenced the development of Chinese calligraphy. In “Kalevala”, the atmosphere, stars, moon, wild berries…everything in nature is like a human being with thoughts, feelings, and able to communicate with people. The dual relationship between man and everything is both real and fictional. In other words,The Forest of Kalevala I described is a combination of Finnish mythical forest creation and the mysterious and agility of Chinese calligraphy.
库克斯画廊Galleria Kookos
《卡勒瓦拉》是芬兰的民族史诗,是最宝贵的世界文化遗产之一。芬兰人民爱好音乐和唱歌。两千多年来各时代的诗歌在人民中间世世代代地口口相传。我们从诗歌中可以听到芬兰的古代创世纪神话和传说,勾画出整个社会及其一切风俗习惯,也能看到他们的悲欢离合和对黑暗力量的斗争。《卡勒瓦拉》的人民热爱自然,歌颂自然。他们以夸张的手法,交织着想象和现实,表达着一切大自然现象都有生命,有感觉和说话的能力。作家艾里阿斯·隆洛特(Elias Lönnrot)收集了大量分散的民歌,然后把它们编成了一部整体的史诗,在1835年初版。它的出版,鼓舞了芬兰本民族的自信心和芬兰民族对自己语言与文化的认同感,并让芬兰人民在为独立和自由的祖国的斗争中,有足够的勇气和力量。《卡勒瓦拉》被认为是世界四大民族史诗之一,与《伊里亚特》,《尼伯龙根之歌》和《罗兰之歌》齐名。在描写自然景物上,除印度的史诗之外,没有别的史诗可以与之相比。
Avajaiset 02.11. 2021 klo. 18-20
Opening ceremony 02.11. 2021. 6-8pm
Galleria Kookos
Runeberginkatu 17, 00100 Helsinki
ti – to 13- 18, ke – pe 12-17, la – su 12-16
opening hours: Tue – Thu 13-18, Wed – Fri 12-17, Sat – Sun 12-16
Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/Tiktok/Twitter/Wechat/Weibo: @galleriakookos